INTJ : Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, JudgingI for Introversion - Prefer to focus on own inner world of ideas and experiences. Direct energy and attention inward and receive energy from reflecting on thoughts, memories, and feelings.
General characteristics: Drawn to the inner world, prefer to communicate in writing, work out ideas by reflecting on them, learn best by reflection or 'mental practice', focus in depth on their interests, private and emotionally contained, take initiative when the situation or issue is very important to them.
N for Intuition - Prefer to take in information by seeing the big picture, focusing on the relationships and connections between facts. Want to grasp patterns, very much into seeing and exploring new opportunities/possibilities.
General characteristic: Oriented to future possibilities, imaginative, verbally creative, focus on patterns and meanings in data, remember specifics when relatable to a pattern, move quickly to conclusions, follow hunches, want to clarify ideas and theories before putting them into practice, trust inspiration.
T for Thinking - Prefer to look at the logical consequences of a choice or action. Want to mentally remove themselves from the situation to examine the pros and cons as objective as possible. Energised by critiquing and analysing to identify what's wrong with something so they can solve the problem. The goal is: to find a standard or principle that will apply in all similar situations.
General characteristics: Analytical, cause-and-effect reasoning, solve problems with logic, strive for an objective standard of truth, reasonable, appear 'tough-minded', fair, want everyone to be treated equally.
J for Judging - Prefer to live in a planned, orderly way. Seek to regulate and manage life. Want to make decisions, come to closure, and move on. Life tends to be structured and organised, and prefer to have things settled. Sticking to a plan and schedule is very important. Energised by getting things done.
General characteristics: Scheduled, organise their lives, systematic, methodical, make short and long term plans, like to have things decided, try to avoid last-minute stresses.
Contrary to other personality psychology theory or pop psychology quiz, extraversion in MBTI doesn't mean talkative or loud, as introvert doesn't mean shy or inhibited. Feeling doesn't mean emotional, judging doesn't mean judgmental or highly critical person, and perceiving doesn't mean a skilled, perceptive individual.
INTJ personality is known for having original minds and possessing great drive to implement their ideas and achieve their goals. INTJ quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives. When committed, INTJ will organise a job and carry it through. Skeptical and independent, INTJ individuals have high standards of competence and performance, both for themselves and others.
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